Should I Share My Story?
Should I Share My Story?
I've never been a big talker about my personal life, have you?
When I was running a health & wellness studio and local magazine wanted to do a story on my business.
After the journalist submitted the story, the editor called and said no Fay I wanted you to talk about YOUR story, not just your business.
I really never spoke about it, simply because it was just my ordinary life. Why would anyone care?
So we redid it and I spoke about how my husband suffered a catastrophic brain stem stroke at 48 and after years of spending the majority of my career across the globe
I became housebound; caring for disabled husband, three children and both terminally ill in laws.
I tell my story, truthfully, not the movie version. The hardship, financial challenges, physical exhaustion, and loneliness. But I also tell stories of resilience, strength and determination when you need it.
But story telling is also your obligation as a human being.
Once when I was on stage in front of 1000 people, I told my story. I came to the live Q&A and someone stood up and said, "my sister is in the same position as you. I want to help her. I keep asking to take her to dinner or a movie or something she keeps saying no. What can I do?" I told her simply “You can clean her toilets".
She doesn't need to go to a movie because it will remind her of what she has lost - her date night, she doesn't need an uncomfortable dinner conversation.
She is exhausted and overwhelmed, help her lighten her load."
I knew by telling my story - that sister got the kind of help she truly needed, and that was a good enough reason to tell my story that day.
So here's my advice - we all have a story that can truly help someone else so:
1. Look back at what you've come through and see how your story could benefit others, others will see themselves in you - that's important.
2. Be honest with the details, be vulnerable, don't pretend
3. Include a "moment
And if you have a story to tell that you know could help others but you don't... then shame on you.
Do better, be better, live better
#wisdomwednesday #joingia #beaninspiration #globalimpactaccelerator #entrepreneurslife #yourstory #tellyourstory #shareyou
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